Friday, September 2, 2011

Kayla's Summer - Quick Update

Kayla has had a very busy summer this year. She's been attending various day camps around the city and has embraced and enjoyed each of them thoroughly. She learned to do summersaults and cart wheels at gymnastics camp, went treasure hunting as a pirate and sailed homemade rafts in the river at an adventure camp and learned the classic camp songs like Alice the Camel, Little Rabbit Foo Foo, Mr. Sun and the classic camp games like Octopus, Hot Potato and Duck, Duck, Goose at the city day camp. I used to be a day camp leader for the city and when I told this to Kayla, she said that she would like to be a camp leader when she grows up too.

Kayla continues to be a big helper in the kitchen and is now making lasagna pretty much well on her own. She continues to enjoy helping me out with cooking and baking. Her favourite thing to do is to make pancakes in the morning for breakfast.

 Kayla remained close to her friends all summer. She speaks of all her circles of friends quite frequently, making requests to get together with them, to have sleepovers and to go to the beach and go swimming with them. Its hard to keep up with all her requests, making our summer weekends extremely busy. No matter how long its been since she's last seen her friends, the friendships always manage to pick up exactly where they left off. Even though her friends are of different ages and some have different interests - it doesn't seem to matter - they find common ground and play for hours - whether its just scooping sand, playing pirates or Simon Says. 

Kayla surprised me with this drawing last weekend. I didn't even know she could draw people. The last time I saw her draw people it was two circles and three sticks (one stick for an arm, and two sticks for a leg, 2 circles for eyes). Also, she now knows how to write Lauren's name and will writes her name on everything - to the point where camp leaders have asked me if Kayla's middle name was Lauren because Kayla kept writing her name as "Kayla Lauren"

Playing on my iphone, a past time favourite. She looks all grown up in this photo. Sniff sniff.

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